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New beta version supporting regions

In state diagrams usually only one state is active at a time. In UML state diagrams regions also allow to model concurrency - i.e. more than one state is active at a time (AND states).

The latest beta now supports the modeling of parallel regions with the following constraints:

Here is the simplified C-code example of the oven state machine.

void  oven(OVEN_INSTANCEDATA_T *instanceVar){
  OVEN_EV_CONSUMED_FLAG_T evConsumed = 0U;
  OVEN_INSTANCEDATA_T instanceVarCopy = *instanceVar;
  switch (instanceVar->stateVar) {
    case Active:
      /* calling region code */
      evConsumed |= ovenActiveLight(instanceVar, &instanceVarCopy, msg);
      evConsumed |= ovenActivePower(instanceVar, &instanceVarCopy, msg);
      evConsumed |= ovenActiveRadioator(instanceVar, &instanceVarCopy, msg);
      /* Check if event was already processed  */
        .... /* handle event on parent level */
   } /* end switch stateVar_root */
   /* Save the modified instance data */
   *instanceVar = instanceVarCopy;

And the same example for C++:

// State machine event handler
int oven::processEvent(OVEN_EVENT_T msg){
  int evConsumed = 0;
  OVEN_INSTANCEDATA_T instanceVarCopy = *instanceVar;
  if(m_initialized==false) return 0;
  switch (stateVar) {
    case Active:
	/* calling region code */
	evConsumed |= ovenActiveLight(msg);
	evConsumed |= ovenActivePower(msg);
	evConsumed |= ovenActiveRadioator(msg);
	/* Check if event was already processed  */
           .... /* handle event on parent level */
  return evConsumed;
/* Region code for state Active */
int oven::ovenActiveLight(OVEN_EVENT_T msg){
int oven::ovenActivePower(OVEN_EVENT_T msg){
int oven::ovenActiveRadioator(OVEN_EVENT_T msg){

Points to consider with regions

Transitions must not cross region boundaries

In the first diagram state transitions do not cross region boundaries and therefore the modeller’s intension is quite clear. But look at the next diagram which is a valid diagram too. Now it is not clear anymore what the modeller had in mind. And it is also not very obvious what a code generator would/should generate. For that reason it is necessary that a code generator defines some limits here.

 Problems with regions

Regions must work on the same instance data

State diagrams follow the run-to-completion concept: Transitions that fire are fully executed and the state machine reaches a stable state configuration until it returns and can respond to the next event. To ensure this a copy of the instance data is kept and state changes are only performed on that copy. In practice this means that changes in one region does not influence other regions. Look into the following example. If the event evClosed is sent region ValveA and ValveB change state. But there is no state change in region Motor at the same time. The reason is that the transition from StopRun was not triggered at the beginning of the machine execution. This behavior ensures that the result of a machine execution step is 100% predictable and e.g. not independent of the execution order of regions.

 Problems with regions II

And the conclusions?

Usually there is a way to model a problem with regions and without regions. The solution with regions allows to model a kind of parallelism and allows to explicitly display independent parts of a system.

On the other side exactly this parallelism is responsible that models with regions looks a bit more complex at first view.

If you have comments and suggestions please let me know! If you are interested to test this version download the latest beta following this download link.

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wiki/news/27okt2012.1353349415.txt.gz · Last modified: 2012/11/19 19:23 by pmueller

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